If you have any been wanting to sow a financial seed into Pleasant View Lutheran Church through online giving, you can do so now. To do so you can either scan the QR code image on the left with your smart phone device, click on the QR code image, or click "GIVE" at the top right hand corner of the home page to be directed to the giving page.

 Thank you so much for your giving!

COVID19 Level - LOW - For Worship

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Welcome to Pleasant View Evangelical Lutheran Church

Inviting… Nurturing… Growing… Serving

Good News is Inviting

Start to think about that friend of new neighbor who might not have a church. Invite them to come with you. God may have already opened a door in their life; now they only need someone to make a connection.

A Pastoral Concern

I was visiting one of our older members who said to me, “I can remember when I could count on one hand the number of non-farming families in our church.” Times have changed and we need to look to the financial future of our church. At the last council meeting the officers signed up with Vanco, a religious online site that serves 27,000 churches, including 4,000 in the ELCA. Half of all church giving in America is now online. And churches that participate report a 26% increase in giving.

This method is so it is easier for you to keep your financial commitment to God and our church. We do not want to guilt you into feeling bad when some Sunday you are on vacation, or sick or at your grandchildren’s ball game. It is made so you will not have to remember “now when did we last give to the church”.

Our church website now has a “GIVE” link in the upper right corner you can click on to give. It can be set up to regularly debit your checking or savings account, or a credit card. This will help our council wisely budget your gifts and be good stewards of sharing God’s blessings to us.

Thank you for considering this financial issue.

In the Master’s Service,

Pastor David Bacon

Gift Exchange Table

December 1-31, 2024

News from the Evangelism Committee, Gift Exchange Table. There will be a table in the main hallway, across from the bulletin boards, which will remain up through Advent. Bring items that you no longer want, need, or have room to keep, that you think others might appreciate! (No Clothing) Items may be new or lightly used. This is a way for us to practice environmental and financial stewardship while still enjoying the seasonal tradition of gift giving. All items left after Christmas will be donated to a local thrift store.

“O Little Town” Choir Christmas Cantata

Sunday, January 5, 2025, 11:00am

Worship Service

Worship Service: “O Little Town” Choir Christmas Cantata

Helena Hurricane Help

Decide from Yourselves 

Many in the church have discussed ways we could help the people in Virginia, North Carolina, and Tennessee devastated by the recent hurricanes. For now we have decided to let you decide for yourselves how to help. Next year as these people start to rebuild their homes and business perhaps then there will be a more specific need we can help with and then we will. But for now, it will be your decision on how to help.

The link is this form are for your convenience

PVELC Blue Blessing Box

The bright blue box which has been placed on the edge of the sidewalk. 

It is a place where members can place things that may be a blessing to those who pass by. 

These things include food, water, hats and gloves and Christian literature for people of all ages. 

A clipboard for prayer requests and communication will also be in the box. 

It is an outreach ministry to those who travel Spring Hill Road and those who use the parking lot during the week. 

It will be checked on regularly as people leave what they can and take what they need.

Changes in our In-Person Sunday Worship Service

Optional Masking Policy Update - level LOW

The COVID-19 Community Level is currently listed as LOW

The COVID-19 Community Level is currently listed as LOW for Augusta County. The State Health Department recommends: Wear a mask indoors in public and on public transportation. Stay up to date with COVID-19 vaccines. Get tested if you have symptoms. If you are at high risk for severe illness, consider taking additional precautions. All are encouraged to continue to wear masks as desired but are not required. Masks will continue to be offered as a sign of hospitality so that all may feel safe, comfortable and welcome in this place of worship. May God continue to heal, protect and strengthen us as a community of faith so that all may know God's love.

Communion Options

Due to the current level of COVID-19 in the community and the preference of some congregational members, prefilled (disposable) communion packets are located in the Narthex. Please pick up a packet of wine/wafer or juice/wafer if you choose this form of Holy Communion rather than participating in Intinction. During Communion you may either bring your disposable packet with you to the front of the sanctuary or you may remain in your seat.

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